Adding the word "already" with many question marks and exclamation points seems to be something I'm doing a lot lately. As in..."It's Friday? Already?!?!?!" or more commonly, "Wait,'s Monday...already?!?!?!" *cue tears*
BUT! I'm back with my October Currently, courtesy of Fabulous Farley over at Oh Boy Fourth Grade to fill you faithful followers in on my life.
Also, I've really gotten into alliterations. Is it obvious? Hehe...
Currently, I'm listening to my brain cells slowly dying. Honestly. I'm so burnt out from trying to be a college student, a 21-year old, and a teacher. How. How am I supposed to do everything? No sleep and lots of coffee.
I'm loving watching all of the leaves on the trees around campus turn from bright green to yellow, to orange, to red, to purple. Also, looooving the sweater weather (and boots weather!!!) that I get to enjoy on the weekends when I'm not dressing up in teacher clothes. The dean of the School of Education at UP always says, "Dress 10 times better than your cooperating teacher; they can wear jeans and boots because they have a job. You, sadly, do not...yet." Cheers to slacks, heeled flats (because these third graders are TALL), and cardigans.
I'm thinking that I can see the light at the end of the tunnel! Fall Break for the university starts on Friday, and tomorrow is the last day of instruction for this week. Inservice is on Thursday, and Friday is a no-pay non-work day, so I get to take an extra day for my break! YIPPEE!!! I'll be on the 7 am flight home to Hawaii for an entire week. *cue world being lifted from my shoulders* Life is good.
I'm wanting my darned work sample to be finished already, but it's getting there! So for those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, the work sample is a minimum 10-lesson unit covering a subject of our choice, that we have to teach our students. For this first placement, I've created a unit for the 3rd grade personal narrative writing unit, and we're ALMOST READY TO START OUR FIRST DRAFT!!!!! Excuse my excessive exclamation points, but this has been a greuling process. This is the first formal/structured writing for these kiddos, many of whom are ELL students and waaaay below grade level as far as literacy and language arts goes. Merp. We're doing the best that we can, and we've come a long way! I'm so proud of my kids, and I can't wait to finish this unit with them.
I'm needing (desperately) for my senior year of college to slow down. I don't know where the time is going (actually I do, it's going into my work sample), but I feel like I don't have any time to spend with my friends or do fun things on the weekend anymore. Not really the senior year experience I imagined, but hopefully after I finish this first work sample, I'll have a little more time...before I start the process all over again with next semester's placement (Kindergarten, woop woop!)
Trick or Treat? Treat. As in, I'm trying to treat myself and my body better by working out, eating right, and (as lame as this may sound) giving myself daily affirmations that I am smart, I am strong, and I can do this. "This" as in whatever the day may throw at me. I struggle with self-esteem, self-doubt, and bouts of depression, so this is a big step for me, and I'm really working towards appreciating myself more and showing myself love. Hopefully this attitude of love and appreciation will extend into my relationships and create a more positive environment for me to thrive in!
Hope everyone is surviving this week! Happy October!