Sunday, November 9, 2014

Sunday Scoop: ABCs of Thanksgiving!

I HAVE to finish making my lesson plans for this upcoming unit (yikes!), finish my literature review for grad school (9 out of 15 pages is progress, right?) and CLEAN MY CRAZY ROOM. I swear I clean my room at least 3 times a week and it always manages to look like a tornado passed through…

I HOPE to get my danged Yankee Candle order in the mail sometime this week. My patience is wearing thin, postal service. Also, I'm hoping to make or find more resources for my unit on consonant blends/digraphs. I'm trying to find passages specifically focusing on reading those digraphs, but can't seem to find many out there.

I'm HAPPY to start my ABC's of Thanksgiving! I did this in student teaching with my first graders, where we went through the entire alphabet, one letter a day, until Thanksgiving, taking each letter to say something we're thankful for. I might combine a few letters a day just because we're short on time, but if you want to participate, I've included the blank template for letters A, B, and C below! I'll try to post each template for each day, so check back during the week if you want to join in on the thankfulness!

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  1. That Thanksgiving ABC is a great idea!

  2. Hi Pili,

    I totally hear ya on cleaning the room! I seriously have SO many unpacked boxes from moving and my room looks like a tornado passed through it =( I hope you have better luck and motivation than me!

    A LoveLi Class

  3. P-S--> I just saw that you are from Hawaii. I will be going with my sister during Spring Break for a week. Oahu to be specific. Any good tips on places to visit, eat, and activities? I would totally appreciate it!

    1. I'm actually from Oahu and living on the windward (east) side of the island! What exactly are you looking forward to/hope to see or experience? Email me and I can definitely give you more ideas!

  4. I absolutely love the a,b,c thankfulness! Such a clever idea. I might be using some of the letters during our morning meetings for the next few weeks. I hope that your room gets clean and that your Yankee candle order comes in. I hate waiting for things to get delivered... it always takes too long! Thanks for linking up with us and have a great week!

    Funky in Fourth
    Teaching Trio

    1. That'll be so cute! Post some pictures if you have the time :)

  5. Love the ABC's of Thanksgiving. Thanks for the template. I think it will be fun to see what my Kiddos come up with for each letter. I left my room a disaster on Friday. We have off today and tomorrow so I will have to head to school sometime and get it done. Have a great week!

    Luv My Kinders


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