Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I have 49 days until my last year of college starts. 
Uhm, what?!
I have no idea where this summer went, where the last 7 years of my life went, and even better, I have no idea what I'm going to do when I graduate.

But let's not think about that now. I have a month until grad apps open online, so I can breathe. Not really, because I need to write essays and personal statements, but it'll all work out. I hope.

Here's my late link-up with Farley at Oh Boy 4th Grade and Jess at I {heart} Recess for July Currently and Goals, respectively.

I'm listening to a lot of country music. Florida Georgia Line, Darius Rucker, Miranda Lambert...something about country in the summertime. My current favorite song is Darius Rucker's rendition of "Wagon Wheel." L-O-V-E it!
I'm loving that I don't have to take the GRE! Thank GOD. I took one look at the test-prep book and almost cried. Maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but I really really REALLY did not want to have to take another standardized test. Yuck.
I'm thinking that I'm waaaaaay behind with choreographing dance pieces for next year. Oops. I'm one of 3 captains for my college dance team, and I'm in charge of choreographing hip-hop routines during the year, and more importantly, a routine for TRYOUTS in early September. I need to get on this, PRONTO.
I'm wanting more time with my fabulously devilish seventh graders that I'm teaching this summer. I can't believe that next week will be the last week in the program, and I feel like we should've covered more over the 5 week period than we did, but I'll keep that in mind for next year.
Above all, I'm desperately needing summer to slow down. I can't believe that I only have 49 more days until school starts, and even less than that until I have to leave the beautiful 808 state and go back to Portland (not that I don't love the 503 just as much). I'm going to miss the sunshine, beaches, and most of all, the quality time with friends and family that I've had this summer. Cue tears.
Tips, Tricks, or Hints for blogging? Well, I've only been doing this for a short while, but a very friendly and helpful blogging guru told me, when I started this blog, to be myself, unapologetically. I think that's really the best advice for not only blogging, but also for living your life. Be unapologetically you.

And now for some July goals! 

Personally, I need to make more time for myself. I get into a habit of trying to be whatever people need, whenever they need it, and that leaves me emotionally and physically exhausted. I have to remember to fill both others' buckets, and my own. 
On my family level, I would really like to schedule more family dinners before I leave! At least one or two more. I miss them all so much when I go back to school.
My latest health journey is involving the Couch to 5K program I've heard so much about. I downloaded what seems to be a very helpful app, and I'm going to start running today after school with my best friend, so hopefully that along with eating healthier will help me to become fit and lose some of the weight I gained this past year. 
Since I'm not a teacher quite yet, my goal for school is to get all of my ducks in a row to apply for the various graduate schools and programs I've been looking at, and to also successfully graduate from college this coming Spring! I'm so excited, but also sad; I've made so many friends and memories in these past 3 years and I really can't imagine my life without the best friends I've gained through college. 
My main blog goal is to get on here more! I get so caught up with what is going on with the week that I totally forget to write until it's Friday...oops. I'll be more on top of things. Bear with me.
Last but not least, my outside of the box goals (which I'm not really sure if this is outside of the box...) are to try out new recipes and to craft more! I had a whole list of things I wanted to make and bake this summer and I've crossed off maybe...3? Boo, busy life. In the next 49 days, I will become the ultimate crafter/blogger/baker...or I'll try to. We'll see.

Happy Tuesday! 


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  1. I love country music too!! I love your tip at the bottom! That is so true! If you are unapologetically you, your readers will appreciate it too! There are too many people out there trying to be something they are not! I love your blog!! :) Have a fabulous summer, and enjoy your last year of college! It goes by way too fast!! :) :)

    Polka Dots & Pencils

    1. Thanks so much for the kind words! I figured, if I'm myself, then I will attract readers who genuinely enjoy what I post :) hope you have a wonderful summer!

  2. I've heard a LOT about Couch to 5K! As soon as I get this ugly cast off, that's one of my goals! :)

    Make sure to stop by my giveaway!

    1. It's a great program, from what I've heard! I'm on day 2 of the first week, and it feels pretty manageable, especially since I'm so anti-running. Also, I found that running with a buddy really helps. :)


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