Monday, July 8, 2013

Liebster Award

 A HUGE shout out and thank you to Sarah over at Kinder Cakes for nominating me for this award! I'm pretty excited, if you can't tell. In my short time of blogging so far, I've been so fortunate to meet a number of kindhearted, compassionate, and extremely helpful individuals who have given me TONS of advice to get my feet wet in this crazy awesome blogging world, and I could not be more thankful. So in order to accept this nomination I have to do the following:
  1. Link back to the blog that nominated me
  2. Nominate 5-11 blogs with fewer than 200 followers
  3. Answer the questions posted for me by my nominator
  4. Share 11 random facts about myself
  5. Create 11 questions for my nominees
  6. Contact my nominees and let them know I nominated them!
I am nominating these amazing blogs that I've found through link-ups and Bloglovin':

Questions from Kinder Cakes
1. What is your favorite dessert?
Cheesecake! Ooh I looooove cheesecake. With strawberries.
2. If you could be a Disney Princess, who would you be?
Oh gosh, well my friends and family call me the mermaid, and I learned to swim before I learned to walk, so definitely Ariel. Living in Hawaii gives me the opportunity to spend every free moment at the beach, and you best believe I take those chances whenever I can!
3. What is your dream car?
A white Nissan Versa hatchback. I love small cars (my current baby is a red Kia Rio5); they get such good gas mileage and can fit into any parking space.
4. What is your favorite TV show?
Oh yikes this is tough. When I can watch TV, I watch Bones, Criminal Minds, Vampire Diaries (shhhh), Catfish, and Friends. I think Bones is probably my favorite though; a little bit of romance, a little bit of science, and lots of crime-solving adventures. 
5. What is the last song you listened to?
Wagon Wheel by Darius Rucker! I really like the original version of this song by Old Crow Medicine Show, but this new rendition is equally as soulful and twangy. I'm not usually a country fan, but I really dig this song.
6. What is your favorite animal?
Dogs. I know it's generic, but seriously, whenever I see a dog being walked down the street, I don't even have to know the person who owns the dog, I will stop and pet it and scratch it's back for a little.
7. Which holiday is your favorite?
Christmas, by far. There's something magical about the holiday season, and having my family together in one place makes the day even more special.
8. What is your favorite fruit?
Mangoes. Summertime in Hawaii is mango season, and I will eat those babies like no tomorrow.
9. What was the last thing you ate?
A clif bar! I needed a little sugar to hold me over between breakfast and lunch, and the kids are making music videos for class today, which means that they're way more energetic than usual (oh boy).
10. If you could meet a character from a picture book, who would it be?
Lily from Lily's Purple Plastic Purse. That chick and I would be besties!
11. Where would you vacation if money was no object?
Europe. I've always wanted to see Spain, France, Austria...everything. I'd travel for as long as I could, see everything I could see, the whole spiel. 

11 Random Facts About Me
1.  I can speak Hawaiian with about 80% fluency.
2.  If I go to a carnival, I HAVE to buy cotton candy. Love that stuff.
3.  I love to sew, and I have a small bow business on the side.
4.  My favorite color is purple.
5.  My college's school color is purple, and my family thought that was why I chose to go there.
6.  I play the flute and piccolo.
7. My nail polish collection is awesome, and I'm nearing the 100-bottle count. Ok maybe it's a little more ridiculous than awesome, but that's ok!
8. My mom and dad and I all graduated from the same K-12 school, and so will my brother (this coming Spring, WOOHOO!)
9. If I could only eat one food group for the rest of my life, it would be fruits.
10. I'm addicted to dubstep and mashups of songs.
11. I've never eaten a Twinkie.

11 Questions For My Nominees
1.  If you could have 3 wishes come true, what would they be?
2.  What is your favorite ice cream flavor?
3.  What is your most irrational fear?
4.  What is your favorite piece of clothing to wear?
5.  What is your favorite quote?
6.  What is your favorite movie?
7.  If you had your own TV show about anything, what would be your intro song?
8. What is your guilty pleasure?
9. What is your favorite flower?
10. If you could have an outdoor adventure (ex: hiking, backpacking, surfing, diving) and all expenses were paid, what would you do?
11. What was your favorite book as a child?

Thanks to my patient followers for putting up with the lags in blogging (sorry!) and my rambling, and to Sarah for the nomination!

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  1. Thank you for the nomination! I also wanted to ask, how does this work? Does someone notify us if we've won? Do we get to add a button to our blogs?

    1. I notified my nominees by posting a comment on their blog, but you can also do it by email if they have that option enabled on their blog somewhere! I've seen a few "buttons" that say "Liebster Blog" with a red heart next to it, but maybe you could also just post the graphic on this post somewhere on your blog? I'm not too sure.

  2. Oh, I loved your answers! Great post and really fun to get to know you! I really like your questions-I had the hardest time coming up with mine! Great job! Come visit if you have time!


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