Tuesday, March 24, 2015

We All Go Through Hard Times...

There's nothing worse than an unexpected heartache, whether it's caused by a relationship, a death, hardships at work, or personal tragedy. What is important, however, is how we handle that grief and how we come down from the ledge. I'm no newcomer to the heartbreak hotel, so I've compiled the 10 best ways I've dealt with grief in the hopes that someday, someone will be able to use this to move on and be strong. There's always hope, there's always resources, and there will always be people out there to turn to when you can't be strong on your own. 

  1. Cry. I know this seems self-explanatory, but many people will skip this stage because it's easier to be numb to emotions than accept how hurt you are. Science tells us that crying actually helps us to release emotions, evaluate our mood, and lower stress. So go ahead, grab that kleenex box, and have a good cry. Just not forever...

  2. Get out of the house. I have a tendency to cry in bed, surrounded by kleenex and pillows until a friend calls me because I haven't been seen in a few days. Not the healthiest way to process grief. Getting out of the house, going for a walk, changing scenery can provide a healthy and necessary distraction.

  3. Cook. The smell of baked goods will definitely elevate your mood, not to mention those gooey chocolate chip cookies will make your heart soar.

  4. Write. Something that has gotten me through the worst heartache has always been writing. Not online, although blogging is also therapeutic, but make a journal. Write your thoughts, feelings, questions down where nobody ever has to see them but you.

  5. Call up your friends. I've always been one to not want to burden my friends with my problems, but that's what they're there for. I could not have gotten through the hard times without my best girlfriends.

  6. Exercise. No really. Don't roll your eyes at me! Exercising, even if it's taking a short walk as the sun sets, or going for a quick bike ride to the store, can significantly elevate your mood. Not to mention it's a great way to burn off some calories and keep in shape!

  7. Binge watch a new show. Something interesting that will keep you distracted, like my new obsession Ru Paul's Drag Race. Those ladies are hilarious and stylish, a great combat for heartbreak.

  8. Play with your fur baby. My dog makes me smile and laugh more than anything in the world. If you don't have a pet, go to the pet store and just look at them, maybe play with one if you're considering buying one! Pets are a big responsibility, so in no way am I saying go get a pet just because you're grieving, but if you have one, they're great company for the tough times in life.

  9. Clean and redecorate. My room has never looked cleaner than when I was heartbroken! I just bought new clutter-free black satin hangers for my closet and I can't wait to see how clean it'll look just with that one simple change.

  10. Look up "strength quotes".  Pinterest has some of the greatest motivational and inspirational quotes. In my journal, I'll doodle and "fancy write" these quotes so I can have something to look back on when I need the pep talk. 

Above all else, remember that the sadness will not last forever, and that you are always stronger than you know. 

lifestyle blog, heartache, ways to get over a broken heart, girly, cute, style, fashion, lifestyle
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1 comment :

  1. Great advice. I will share this with a friend in need. THANKS.


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