Friday, December 11, 2015

Blogmas Day 11 | FriYAY!

So I tried my hand at blogging for a week and it's A LOT harder than I realized! Being a full-time teacher and graduate school student is more taxing than I anticipated, but nevertheless I'm going to try and keep up with new content for the rest of Blogmas 2015! Here's my 5 for Friday linkup with Doodle Bugs Teaching for the 11th day of Blogmas!

I'm a huge mac&cheese lover, but my body does not appreciate all of the fat and cheesy goodness that goes into a bowl of that magical comfort food. This week I took a healthy spin on the classic with this awesome recipe and made creamy butternut squash mac&cheese! It was really yummy and I think it'll become a staple healthy alternative in my recipe box.

This week, I went to my first ever Paint Nite with one of my best friends from high school. Since we're both avid Star Wars fans, and in light of the new movie coming out, it only seemed fitting for us to choose a painting of the greatest Jedi master of all time. It actually came out a lot better than I thought!

To have a little fun with my favorite nuggets, I made a Winter Reading Packet for them to complete this week in order to earn their Christmas presents and class party reward today! Thanks to my favorite TPT ladies, I printed out some reading comprehension passages and put it together with a few "just print" fluency games to compile this activity set!

I also got started with an Instagram book club of sorts that is reading The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness. It's the first book in his Chaos Walking series, and I'm absolutely IN LOVE with it so far! If you want, head over to Instagram and search #tmrdecemberbook15 to see what all the hype is about!

Last but certainly not least, the countdown is on! Less than a week until Christmas Break, and some much-needed relaxation time at my favorite beach. I can't wait!

Happy Friday!
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