1) e.l.f. Cosmetics is having a 50% off sale of their Best Sellers items, which means everyone should go and spend at least $20 on their site PRONTO. I've ordered 2 jumbo lip gloss sticks, a matte lip pencil, a pro mini eyeshadow palette, and 2 zit erasers. I can't wait to receive everything and review the products (I'll also review the products I received from my last late-night e.l.f. splurge!
2) Raising a baby animal is similar to raising a baby...kind of. I'm babysitting my friend's baby guinea pig for a few days while she's on a trip, and although she's cute, she also eats, poops, and pees like no tomorrow. Oh and she also makes the squeakiest noises at top volume in the dead of night. Joy. However, she's so darned cute and is content to sit on me and watch Law and Order SVU and Teen Wolf episodes while I go online shopping (she seems to like Pinterest a lot).
3) My summer shenanigans have somewhat subsided for the time being; I start orientation for the summer teaching job on Thursday and I can't wait for this new experience.
Pictures and more to come later in the week!
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