Sunday, June 30, 2013

I Feel Like a The Fray Song

You know, the one that goes "I'm in over my head..."? Yes. That would be me right now, two weeks ago, and I'm sure two weeks from now. But I like being busy! It keeps me on my toes and away from the s-n-a-c-k-s and TV...feel me?

Since Five for Friday is going on a break for summer (because summer is for breaks, of course!) I'm linking up this fabulous weekend with Miss Nelson over at Run! Miss Nelson's Got The Camera! Which I'm sure is what my summer school kiddos (who am I kidding, EVERYONE) feels like whenever I whip my camera out. Oops. 

Here we go!

Last weekend, my brother made me scale the side of a mountain. Without warning me. He called it a "little hike". Right.
My fearless brother!
Thanks to HoJo's Teaching Adventures, I came up with Friday's lesson plan for my seventh graders with ease: grammar games! They really enjoyed it and they were so competitive!
We love our nouns...especially our "fishs" (fishes). The kids got a good laugh out of that one.
A quick after-work hike up to Manoa Falls! Some scenes from Jurrasic Park and The Hunger Games were filmed here!

Ta da! The picture doesn't do the waterfall any justice, but I didn't want to bring my DSLR on the much mud!  The water was so cold and the perfect treat after a humid and muddy uphill hike.
Muddy shoes from the hike to the waterfall...and it only got worse after that! But in my hiker's opinion, the more mud, the better ;) 
Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! 


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  1. Great pictures. Looks like your summer kiddos are having a blast learning. Hope you come back for this Saturday as well :)


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