Friday, February 20, 2015

Blogger's Block (and what to do about it)

Since one of my 2015 resolutions was to blog more often (as in 15 posts a month, let's not get crazy), I've been trying to feel out the direction I want to take this blog in. Yes, I'm a teacher, but I'm a SPED/reading intervention teacher at an inclusion school - meaning I don't have my own set of kiddos to post cute and quirky things about daily or weekly. I know comparison is the thief of joy, but I can't help but feel like I'm not measuring up to the "standards" set by my fellow blogging teachers. That said, I also like to dabble in the occasional favorites, fashion, food, and makeup posts as well. This is turning out to be more of a lifestyle blog, in my opinion, and I'm not sure if that's what I want. Actually, I'm not sure what I want at all.
Since I've been feeling down about my blog lately, I gathered up some awesome reads and resources from a few other noteworthy bloggers about the dreaded Blogger's Blog, and what you can do about it. Hopefully these tips will help bring me out of my slump *cue Pete Wentz singing softly in your ears*. If you didn't catch my Fall Out Boy reference, here's a video for some background music while you browse these inspiring reads:

Why It's Okay to Quit (Sometimes) | The Nectar Collective
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