Thursday, February 5, 2015

Favorite Things in February {What I'm Reading}

Linking up with The Teaching Trio for this month's favorites! I love that this is so open-ended, and you can really list anything that you're currently favoring! This month, I have a cohesive category of my favorite reads - professionally, personally, and blog-related. Let's get started…

I previously talked about how much I love this book. Teach Like a Champion is a great resource if you're looking for a few strategies and ideas of how to spruce up your teaching and make your practice better for the new generation of learners in our classrooms. I really like that the book comes along with a CD with short clips (under 3 minutes each, usually) that show each strategy in action! You don't have to read the whole thing - each chapter has an outline of where the strategies are located, and what they pertain to. Super easy, very low-lift, and interesting! 

Since Valentine's Day is coming up, I thought I'd mention this book. Now, before someone rolls their eyes, I need to put out a disclaimer saying I'm not big on self-help books. However, after reading a lot of amazing reviews on this book, I thought I'd give it a try. For $11 on the App Store (using the iBooks app on my iPad), Hold Me Tight is a great read that gave me some valuable insight on how to strengthen my relationships (not just romantic) and made me take a good look at how I communicate and interact with the loved ones in my life. I highly recommend this book whether or not you're in a committed relationship. 

Essiebutton is a lifestyle blog run by a hilarious, cheeky 24-year old from England who dabbles in beauty reviews, life tips, and the like. She makes the best videos and I just love reading her posts! If you're looking for a little more humor in your life AND some awesome tips for beauty, life, etc., head on over and check out her blog/vlog!

Happy Reading!
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  1. So random I stumbled across your blog and saw you were reading Hold Me Tight - I'm also reading. One of my best friends is a Marriage and Family Therapist and just did sessions with the woman who wrote that book and came up with Emotion Focused Therapy! I can totally see things in my relationships mirrored in that book and my friend said it's the best kind of therapy she's every known! Anyays, just so excited to see someone else who reads books like that - I always do! If you haven't read Gottman, put him on your list! :-)
    BigTime Literacy

    1. That's so cool! Thanks for suggesting a new read - I'm always eager for more books to get lost in!


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