Saturday, January 3, 2015

Motivation for Those 2015 Goals...

I've done my research. I've read every article on why setting resolutions are bad, how we never really stick to them. Well here's my big shut the hell up to those articles. I'm setting goals if I want to, and I really am going to try my hardest to stick to them, especially as I go back to work, grad school, Teach for America business...oh boy. So my "Five for Friday" is focusing on 5 very important/inspirational/motivational/necessary/lovely things I've found (among the many) that I will be frequently coming back to in my toughest moments, like when those dang Girl Scouts start knocking at my door...

I feel you on a personal level, Rashida. Are you ready for the setbacks that will come with making those resolutions? PopSugar/FitSugar has you covered! Check out this funny, and true, article on the ups and downs of your fitness resolutions, complete with matching gifs for some inspiration on your darkest days.

Maybe it's the teacher in me, but I love a good flowchart! This one, courtesy of Bit Rebels nicely sums up how to achieve your goals in any capacity, not just our new year's resolutions!

Yes! Many times, we give up on our goals or lose sight of the end goal because we don't set a concrete plan. I've found a few cute printables on Pinterest to help track my 2015 goals that I'll be posting soon, so stay tuned! 

Another cute anchor chart (teacher problems) I found on Pinterest was this guy, talking about 5 motivational ways to follow through on our goals. Number 3 is my favorite, and one that I especially need to remember...

I love POPSUGAR so much - they just put out a 31-day fitness and health program to follow along or modify to make it your own. There's a workout calendar, recipes, nutrition coaching, and even a spectacular giveaway at the end of the program with more information coming soon! I might combine some of the workouts with my gym process already, but we'll see. Go check it out!

Happy goal setting (and conquering)!
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  1. What an amazing and motivating post! So glad I popped in to read it. I'm going to check back when I need motivation...which will be often. ;-) I hope you reach all of your goals and have a fabulous 2015!

    1. Thanks Cyndie! Motivation is a group effort! :) Good luck on your own goals!

  2. I have not heard of pop sugar, I will have to check it out! Really love your #3 so true! You must have a plan. Great post! Thanks for sharing.

    Luv My Kinders

  3. I'm so glad I found you!
    I'm a 1st grade speducator (formerly K, but I looped and never looked back)! I love Pop Sugar & now I'm off to go check out Bit Rebels - that flowchart is amazing! Happy New Year! Jen


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