Thursday, January 1, 2015

Setting The Goals (and the plans)

Mrs. D at The Third Wheel is hosting a cute linkup to kick off 2015 and our fabulous goals, and she's also planning on creating monthly check-in links to keep each other accountable!  How awesome is that. Stay tuned for more goal setting/demolishing posts!

HOME* I know it sounds so easy, but at the end of the day, I'm exhausted and literally the last thing I care about is where my clothes end up. I need to be way better about putting dirty clothes in my laundry basket, and cleaning my room weekly!

WORK* As a SPEd teacher, I make schedules for my support staff in regards to what room they need to be in when, and their general hours for the quarter. I also hold weekly meetings to discuss student progress, concerns, etc. I'm aiming to be 100% more diligent about this practice this year!

HEALTH* Kdog and I have been using MyFitnessPal to keep track of our weight loss journey, some with more success than others (hmf). I'm aiming to lose 30 pounds, and continue to workout to be stronger, happier, and healthier in 2015!

BLOG* I'm really trying to blog more! For real, guys! I promise...stay tuned for more!

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  1. I have used MFP for a year now, and it is really a handy way to log in food, water, and exercise - and for me, that accountability is totally the key to success in achieving my fitness goals! Happy New Year! :)

  2. Thanks so much for linking up! UGH! Laundry is the bane of my existence. My husband washes it all, but I get the task of sorting and folding. There is no chore I dislike more. I look forward to hearing how your progressing on these amazing goals. Be sure to come back monthly to link up!

    Mrs. D
    The Third Wheel

  3. I love MFP it totally is helping me keep on track with my health goals for this year. A group of us are linking up for Slim Down Saturdays to help keep each other on track. You might consider linking up. The more the merrier. Good luck with all your goals.

    Luv My Kinders

    1. That's a great idea. Having a strong support system is so key to achieving goals! I'll keep a look out for those Slim Down Saturdays!

  4. Be sure to come back and check in to update us on how the resolutions are going!

    Mrs. D
    The Third Wheel's New Year Resolution Check Up


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